Thursday, September 30, 2010

This was the view from my living room window yesterday!!!!

Yesterday I woke up and opened my blinds and I had a Beautiful surprise from God! Amazing snow capped mountains, that we hardly ever see because they are usually covered with clouds. Thank you Lord for your Beautiful creation!!!!

 I have more good news!   Monday we were able to schedule a visa interview at the American Embassy for Harrison.  This is step two in trying to get a visa.   On Oct. 19th at 8am he has to be at the embassy with all kinds of documents proving that he will return to Ecuador.  They will then decide if they are going to give him the visa.  Something very important that God has shown me through step one of this process is that He is in control.  I need to have faith not just saying I have faith but really believing that He will do what He says He will do and even if and when that isn't what I want, He knows what is best and I need to trust him in that!  So please keep praying for this process as we get all the papers together and prepare for the interview.  We think it will all be in Spanish but we aren't sure.  And no matter what happens, if they give the visa or not, we know and Trust that God's ways are the best ways and there is no where we would rather be then following Him and going where he is leading us. 

One more thing, One of the ministries I'm in charge of is the NILI students time at a local dump daycare.  I've uploaded pictures to facebook (because that is the easiest place to put lots of pics) of our time there from last Tuesday.  We talked about the story of Noah and how God loves us and that he gave us a rainbow as a promise.  So we made Rainbows, it was an interesting time with lots of glue :)  But we had a fun time spending time with these adorable little kiddos.  So to check out the pics click here :
Dump Ministry Pictures

Check out the Prayer request page for updated prayer requests for my ministry and God's work in Ecuador!
Enjoy, Have A GREAT week!!!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thursday September 23, 2010

~The Carcelen school and Church, in a financial crisis. We are working hard to be debt free by December. We trust that God will help us do this so He will be glorified!

~NILI 9- We have 7 students this semester. Pray that God would speak to them in this time, that they would leave here not only speaking better Spanish and with a better understanding of Ecuadorian culture, but that they would have experienced God's presence!

~The Nazarene Seminary here in Quito

~Visa Process for Harrison (my fiance), we bought the pin number to call and make the appointment to see if they will give him the Visa to travel with me to the states in December to visit my family!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Prayer Requests:
~Nazarene School in Carcelén-Guidance in starting the new school year
~First week of classes for the NILI students
~Unspoken request

~The New NILI's are here!!!
~For Great friendships here in Ecuador and at home I'm so thankful for Internet and internet phones so I can stay in touch with family and friends at home~
~People wanting to help in the ministry here in Ecuador-God planting ideas in people's hearts for needs here in Ecuador! God fills a need before we even know it is a need!


Monday, August 17, 2009

Prayer Requests:
~NILI students arriving Friday
~NILI staff as we prepare for a new semester that all that we do would be guided and focused on God and HIS plans for this program
~unspoken request

~My Visa is registered!
~The surprise of new furniture...what a blessing
~A wonderful team of friends that I work with
~God's Provision for ALL that I need!
~For God's amazing creativity in His creation and that I have the opportunity to look out and be reminded of his Greatness every time I look out my windows!
~For everyone praying for me! Thank you and God Bless you!

Friday, July 31, 2009

Please Pray for:

~Packing and preparing for returning to Ecuador on August 6th

~The incoming NILI students for the fall semester 09

~Preparation in planning for ministry for the fall 09 semester


~Getting my visa in time for the trip :)

~For a wonderful Summer with my family and friends

~Having the opportunity to be a "Nanny" for the past month to a beautiful, sweet baby girl-it was such a blessing and alot of fun!